Looking to locate, start, or grow your business in Covington? You’ll need resources and we’ve got them. Our 10-step, so-easy-to-follow Business Guide will ensure that your business is legit (as in making sure you know everything you need to know about occupational licenses, zoning permits, building or rental licenses, and all that other important stuff).
¿Busca localizar, iniciar o hacer crecer su negocio en Covington? Necesitarás recursos y los tenemos. Guia Empresarial de 10 pasos y fácil de seguir garantizará que su negocio sea legítimo (como asegurarse de saber todo lo que necesita saber sobre licencias ocupacionales, permisos de zonificación, licencias de construcción o alquiler, y todas esas otras cosas importantes).
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Web Design: Durham Studio Development: Systems Insight, Inc.
Photos provided by Sam Greenhill unless otherwise noted.
City of Covington, KY Copyright 2023